I always thought it was one of the wildest things in the world when I saw someone or groups of people band together and invest their precious time and energy into bad intentions. Like targeting someone they don’t like in social situations. I like to overthink. I sometimes spin out in my overthinking and live there for days, even months. I ask why and what. Some would say this place I enter isn’t good, but really, it is my power place.
I step into other people’s shoes and try to understand why they feel right and just. Unfortunately, their self-righteous stance is still motivated by malice, and they do not see it. Their intention is to cause harm, and the seed comes from such little information. Most of all, it comes from a shadow that exists within them. Investing in it grows the shadow until it blankets everything they see.
When we invest our time and energy, remember that it is a currency. We are investing life force into something with a desired result that has an intention to harm. Even if we think the harm is just… we must remember that none of us on this planet are equipped to judge or inflict harm on others. Not one person is a perfect human being, and anyone who claims to be should think back on a time they were learning or becoming. Think back to a time they were wrong or misinformed. Think back to things that they understood much later than in a moment. Even the most innocent are guilty. So invest in your own endeavors. Invest in the light you have and make it grow instead of growing shadows and wasting your time with things that don’t have good intentions.
The internet is a wild place. Log off from social media this weekend and find things in front of you that can be seen with your eyes rather than things perpetuated with malice or ill will. Remember to find joy no matter the hardships in your life. Look for things that give you joy… and invest in them. Other people’s endeavors are not a part of your plan. They are a waste of your precious currency.