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Red String Bracelet

On Monday afternoon, I found my red string bracelet peeking through the seams of my couch. I had lost it months ago and remember pulling the cushions out to see if it had made its way down into the unseen regions of the sofa. Nothing, but now there it was. I thought, “Yeah!” and put it on my left wrist.

That evening, I noticed it was gone again while brushing my teeth. I thought. “Boo!” But oh well. It’s just a red string bracelet. I liked it a lot because it had a rose quartz bead, but it’s not the end of the world. Before bed, I told JD, “I lost my red string bracelet. If you see it tomorrow, hook me up!” He replied, “Didn’t you just find it today?” As I rolled over, I sang my reply, “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.”

I woke up at 3 a.m., and as I came to somewhat wake, I felt something in my right hand… It was my red string bracelet! Did I sleepwalk downstairs and find it in the dark without memory? Nope. Some kind entity or friendly spirit found it and put it in my hand. At least, that’s what I told my half-asleep brain. I thought, “Yeah!” and put it on my left wrist. Then, I rolled over and went back to sleep.