Elen is not only the pathfinder in the physical world, she is the Goddess of the Aisling. She can wave her staff and clear the way for a new road. Like our beloved deer friends, she too possesses the gift to see the ways through the trees. The paths the human eye is unable to see. She finds a way.
Elen of the Ways can guide you through your dreams and help you pave those same roads in the waking hours. The deer is the great navigator through terrain that is mapped in paths we do not see, but the deer can see them all. Whether you are going into the dream world or navigating this waken state space… You can find it all, just follow the deer.
Orla O’Connor – Curator of Celtic Art, Contributor
Shannon Kelly – Writer, Celtic Scholar, Contributor
Nessa Walsh – Cultural Anthropologist, Contributor
Samantha Weisberg – Muse, friend, contributor of inspiration, Wise sage, Girl Gandolph for life!