I often see the word “Amulet” next to a beautiful object. Usually a necklace. Usually something grand. Question. Is it truly an amulet? The same can be said for the word “Talisman,” and the same question stands. What is a Talisman? Can it be both? The answer is Yes and No. Most of these times, I have seen these words used; they are misused. In reality, it seems like a “fashionable way” to describe a necklace, but in my humble opinion, it is misleading.
So what is an Amulet? What is a Talisman? And what is the difference? This booklet will describe the difference between the two meanings and the symbols behind The Hex Breaker Amulet series.
Hex Breaker: The Science of Talisman and Amulets Booklet is available here: