As a child, we always referred to them as worry rocks. Since I have become an adult, I have heard them referred to as thumb stones, palm stones, takers stones, and worry stones in kind. These companions fare in an overall way. The way is absorbent; a true taker. This is important to realize because there are times that worry rocks should be put away like a faring quartz but there are times when it should be held like a companion. The ancient use of worry rocks is vast but all associate with water. Rocks shaped by water, left smooth from the sea, metaphysically erode the jagged edges in the mind.

Traditionally, Worry Rocks were made of Soapstone, which is an absorbent of all excess energy that sits at the top. Before this, in antiquity, any soft stone from the ocean would do. Marble has also been discovered as a popular worry servant of old. Over time, I have seen so many different types of worry rocks made available, but each has specific absorbent characteristics.
Worry Rocks are great concentration tools for the mind, spirit, and body. More on this subject posted on Patreon. Happy Week’s End!