First and foremost; enhancements and treatments. Some stones are dyed, filled, or treated to make the stone look a specific way. EPJ does not treat any gemstones. We are highly against treated gems because it can affect the metaphysical properties. This is just us, some people do not mind, it is all a matter of preference. We do not dye any gemstones because the look does not last. Again, this is our preference. We have offered ’filled’ gemstones to less than 0.3% of the offered jewelry over the years. Filled gemstones still endure their metaphysical properties. So this was acceptable to our standard. As stated many times, we have only filled two specific gems for a desired look. This is always stated in the description of the item. We use to offer filled natural quartz crystal many years ago, because so many asked for a more clear look, but have not offered it for years because I personally just want the unfilled natural. EPJ currently only offers one filled natural stone and it is stated in the description. The only gemstone we offer filled is large garnets. Our smaller garnets are unfilled natural as stated in all descriptions. Many companies do not list treatments or fills. Make sure to always ask if you have a specific desire for your stone. EPJ also used to specialize in costume jewelry. Although all costume pieces were sold out years ago, they have always been labeled as such. I have always been a fan of old world costume jewelry artistry. If I ever do anymore of those pieces, they will always be labeled as costume. Anytime you have a question about any stone, always email us at and we will help you out. Always full transparency.

In the world of gems and minerals, there are so many types of of crystals. Not just varieties, but how they are pulled from the earth and added features to enhance stones.
There are so many types of garnets, some are very expensive and others are not. Especially if they are filled or treated. Again, EPJ does not treat any gems. Currently, we only use one type of filled natural stone and that is for large garnets.
As many of you know, EPJ uses Pyrope or Almandine Garnet the most. Most of them (like the smaller pieces on the website) are heavily included. I mean heavy. For the very large ones, the description will state if or if not they may be filled, but indeed very real. This assures the metaphysical properties, but also gives the look desired by so many. We also buys in bulk and we are able to offer better prices since there are several rings available as opposed to just one for sale. Almandine is one of the most inexpensive and abundant garnet types on earth. So they don’t cost as much as a fine jewelry store garnets. But they have that beautiful dark red that everyone seeks.
Some garnets, like Demantoid or Andradite, can ask thousands for a tiny stone! It always just depends on the size, clarity, fill or no fill, and bulk or single.
Now we come to how the gemstones are pulled from the Earth. There are many stones that EPJ refuses to carry because of how they are taken and how humans are taking them. You will notice we only carry specific types on Amber and can’t always carry Moonstone. These two stones have high rates of child slave labor. Any Amber we carry is always Baltic, that and Moonstone we carry is only selected from miners and sellers that uphold ethical practices. This is the sole reason EPJ does not offer diamonds or work with diamonds. These stones are rarely taken from the Earth with care or with valued labor.
We only carry stones of integrity. I will not buy from specific Gem Shows or Specific dealers. I deal with miners and vendors that only carry stones that have zero ties to slave labor and zero ties to sustainable practices. All the sage and cleansing in the world cannot wipe that from your crystal. The energy that we pass on is of great importance. Humanity will not survive if we do not take care of each other and the Earth.