A few years ago, I was reading about an Iron Age grave with my friend Mia. Within this burial site, there was one that sparked the most interest, it was named The Woman from Himlingøje.
The woman was thought to be a Chieftess or someone of high-ranking authority. Her Earl Rings were a giveaway to this notion, along with the abundant treasures that were buried with her. Green Roman glass, earthly pottery, and bright yellow gold.
Her rings caught my eye, I loved how one Earl Ring had three connected stacks, and the other had two connected stacks. The snakes on her rings were very much like the Iron Age style of Jörmungandr. I loved it, but I was inspired to make my own version. Not just in memory of all the forgotten Chieftess of the old world but all of the forgotten Snake Goddesses that seem to go hand in hand with them.
I wanted the snakes to curve around the finger but still be seen from the top. If you are on my Patreon page, you definitely saw the many trial and errors of that. It wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. I have never had more scraped wax molds on any other project.

After so much time thinking about it and working on this project, their manifestation seems to be that of many, many years ago. Instead, we are coming upon three years. Maybe because it is so familiar, the same queens and their snake companions, over and over again.
Let them not be forgotten, to all the Queens, Goddesses, and Common Women of the magical old world. And to all of the serpent guides that found them.
The Drottning Triplet Serpent Rings can be found here:
The Drottning Twin Serpent Rings can be found here:
Thank you for all of your love and support!