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The Vedas

The Veda design that dresses the Veda Necklaces, Cuffs, and Rings is a symbolic language to what it’s like to ponder the forevers. We have our loved ones for such a short time and although they leave, they are a part of us in every way. So many pieces of them stay and we see glimpses of them everywhere in our own lives. In a family member’s face, in our own faces, a saying or a way of speaking, and most of all in our very fiber. The DNA that binds us, lives and dies, but does both forever. The 8 sides of this design represent infinity, the ongoing forever connection with our loved ones that have passed. Some times are short and some are longer but time is a changeable fabric. It can be refurbished, it can be dyed, cut down, or added to with thread. These ways are mostly still a secret but some have shown us their magic. The seamstress of time has more secrets than any other. Her thread is the tie that binds. 

Veda was and still is my Maternal Grandmother. She is a part of me and I am a part of her for a continuing infinity.