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Clear Quartz Metaphysical Properties and Usage

Crystal Speak begins and ends with Clear Quartz. The Crystal Sphere that tells us the answers, the healing power from a Shaman bag, the protection of a talisman, the communication with a guide, the animal medicine song, the elder god’s staff, …

These are all conversations of the Crystal. These are the vocal sounds of the Crystal when they speak. 

Mother Earth bleeds and this blood coagulates. Like water freezes to heal and renew the land; the blood becomes solid and all the cells stand still. This is Quartz Crystal. The clotted blood of the goddess. The frozen power of the crystalline world. 

A tree’s life is similar to a quartz, but a quartz will be here much longer. They mimic the frozen water, they blaze the rainbow fire, they hold the ancient air spirits, they are solar energy, they are of the earth, they are the amplifiers of all energy, they are the keepers of messages, and they hold the records of the time before. 

All is a circle; a beginning will become an ending.  What you believe is the past will soon again come around and be the future. All cycles in a circle. All rotates around the crystalline.  

In such a cycle, the Moon gains and sheds, like all that is above and below. When the Moon is on an increase, there is a magnetic pull, this in itself will give you the advantage. This is the time to scry, ask the spirits, find guides, and listen to the call of the crystal. 

With great change comes Clear Quartz, it coincides with The Tower, the 16th Major Arcana Card. Quartz is used for stimulating the Crown Chakra but resonates high with the whole chakra system. The Crown Chakra is tied to our way of thinking and what we know based on our perception and experience in this world. To help enlighten a person or yourself that has been wrapped in negative thinking, feed a quartz and dedicate it specifically for your Crown chakra. Do not use it for anything else. Let this Quartz help you maintain thinking that has to do with light. 

Quartz concentration can be accomplished by many different methods. You can bury it in dirt and dig it back up, use Full Moon Water, ice cold water, lake or ocean water, and the most effective method, blood. That being said, if you wish to use blood, use your own. Animals are not here for your personal power gain. Any who harm an animal as such, may they remember it in their marrow and recognize it when it strikes back like a snake. Animal medicine is complex and not for the unskilled. No Animal Medicine weaver harms animals for their spiritual gain. No exception.  

Quartz is the known funeral object of the old world, being set in graves since the dawn of time. Its power also holds place emotionally as well as physically. You can give a crystal all that does not serve you and bury it. This is best done on Last Quarter. 

The shapes of a Quartz were always important and specific to the rite. Every Birthplate has a crystal at the last position representing the exit from this place and the beginning in the new. 

Quartz is a key center of concentration dedicated to freezing specific people in your life from taking your energy. Some call this a “Prescription Cast” or a “Cold Shoulder.” Regardless, you do not need a real Quartz for this, just the suggestion of a quartz in your mind and the freezing of water. Even the thought of a quartz has energy.  (I will explain this in a Patreon Post)

Quartz is a Gem of Winter, added with the winter Jade, together they both can summon secrets from the deep. Quartz has a specific purpose with every single stone on this planet and can effect a whole bundle with it’s addition or absence in the bag. Clear Quartz is the most combined crystal with the most wide range of uses. Quartz is also the most programmable stone in existence. It can enhance stones with crystal grids and charge stones that need an alarm clock. Some stones are prone to sleeping. Wake them up with Clear Quartz. 

Quartz has a profound effect on steel. This is why I often use crushed granulated quartz in steel casting. The effects are profound. 

Quartz is an all around energy amplifier; since the dawn of our civilization it has been used as such. This is also why it is always combined with goal setting stones. 

Pertaining to the 7 Crystal Systems, there is so much more to see within a Quartz. The shapes in each type of crystal adhere to a symbolic language. The shape of the crystal system inside of clear quartz makes it a Seeker Transformer. Putting you on the path to find your true purpose and helping you sail to a place where living that purpose will become your reality. 

Not to forget specific types of Quartz Crystals for example, Dow, Faden, Record Keepers, Elestial, Lemurian, Teacher Quartz, EarthKeeper, and the list goes on and on. This is all for another post. I did go into some detail in a Social Media post on Facebook and IG from 2013. I will try to find it and link it when I can. 

Manmade shapes such as Skulls, Merkabas, Vogels, hearts, wands, etc. all have their place as well. I will explain more about this in another post. 

In the world of crystals there are a few different stones that are considered “Living Stones.” Each of these stones live so differently, they are not in the same category. For instance, a Jade breaths water and dies for several generations. A Quartz lives always but opens its eyes and takes a single breath every few hundred years. The messages it gives to its many holders are through its dreams. They sleep like the elder gods and rest until the end arrives. 

Whether it be fairly clear, included, kissed by a rainbow, or shaped by a hand; it is of all. The base principle is colorless but all color, the loudest of silence, the living rock that never eats without being fed and never sleeps without dreaming, the unmeltable ice of the Earth. The properties and lore of Quartz is so undeniably vast that this world alone cannot contain its knowledge. So it stretches out to other places and when you touch it you can connect with other places that you could never exist in physically. As we are deliquescent, we aim to become crystalline. As the cycle continues…. Crystal Speak begins and ends with Clear Quartz.