Dārza Māte is the Latvian Goddess of gardens and green thumbs. She is the overseer of Motherly relationships. Mother to children as to Gardener to plants. She cultivates your own personal growth like a well tended garden. The provider of all you need; the sun, the moon, water, and soil. Every flower bears her name and you will bloom under her watchful eye.
She is the giver of what is needed and was often referred to as the “one who feeds.” She is the bringer of the seed that produces. A grantor of abundance in all ways possible.
Her crystals are Quartz and Moss Agate.
Sofija Janulis – Writer, Baltic Goddess Enthusiast, Contributor
Kerrie Novák – Cultural Anthropologist, Contributor
Aldona Pilmanis – Muse, Friend, Tea Sister, Goddess enthusiast, Contributor of inspiration