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Stone Sleeping

Sweet sleep is a sweet treat that not all of us are privileged to just have magically occur. There are so many types of sleep requests that flood the message airways and each crystal remedy is very specific to those specific needs. This is why the internet is pouring with so many different answers for crystals to aid sleep. Some people want to dream, others want to end nightmares, some want to put an overactive mind to bed so they can follow suit, and these “types” of sleep requests go on and on. This is why crystal recommendations really do not work. I recommend taking a different view of this area. This area is called, “Stone Sleeping.” Once you understand stone sleeping, it is easier to add crystals to your bedside to aid you in your specific needs. The foundation of Stone Sleeping starts with Howlite and Agate. What type of Agate? I recommend Enhydro Agate. These are the only two stones you need to begin. These stones are your foundation, that you will build, to your house of sleep. The house building exercise will be very similar to crystal griding but that will come later. First I want to talk a little about Howlite and Enhydro Agate. 

Howlite energy, just like its aesthetic, has a soft chalky embrace. Drawing out a hand to calm restless energy, help untether insomnia, weariness, and to help you understand your own way of unraveling the knotted yarn of jaded feelings towards life. Its calming presence mutes specific types of drama. The drama that lingers inside us long after it has dissipated. Cooling the burning fires of anxiety that plays on what we cannot change while clipping the wings of those overactive minds that continue to play out scenarios like they can be changed after they have been played out in time. The best place for howlite is in the ears but wearing it on the left hand and arm can draw these sweet things near. This is only the tip of Howlite, this is what hoplite is when it sleeps. 

Enhydro Agate is a dissolver of resentment and a banisher of seeds that grow nightmares. Not Nightmares themselves can be banished with this stone alone but Enhydro Agate can clip them before they grow. This stone connects to the minds rivers, oceans, and lakes. A stone that sinks to the bottom and rises to the top. This stone is better to be put under your bed or in between the mattress. When you close your eyes, enhydro agate opens. 

Together these two stones are a foundation. The first chapter of Stone Sleeping. 

The next chapters will be posted on Evil Pawn Jewelry’s Patreon page.