“Quartz for a healthy plant and quartz for a baby. Citrine for a droopy plant and for a flowering lady. Adventurine for a dying plant and aventurine for a boost. Amethyst for a repotted plant and for a new root. Moss Agate for the magic and Moss agate for a multiply. Sodalite for the truth and for the inner eye. Rose Quartz for the food and Rose Quartz for the bond. Malachite for the mallow leaf and for all who are magic donned.”
For more on crystal therapy for plants and nurturing plant spirits, join me on Patreon!
After years of hard work and anticipation, it is all coming to fruition. Many of you have been following the Birthstone Truth blogs and posts since 2012 and I appreciate this so much. There is a complete study and discussion started on Patreon if you would like to join. The EPJ Patreon can be found here: www.Patreon.com/Evil_Pawn_Jewelry
There is also a book that is in its last stages that will be released soon. Stay tuned to this blog, Instagram, or Patreon for complete details.
The truth behind birthstones mimics the same truth of everything we see in the modern world. That truth is; everything is a watered-down version of what it once was. From every piece of knowledge we learn, the literature we read, extended to all we see, consume, and breath. Carbon copies of originals. No matter how authentic we live, there isn’t much that is how it was. It is now, what it has become. Nothing stays the same, everything changes and not always for the better. Birthstones are no exception.
Over the years I have seen so many truths about the minerals of the Earth suffocated by machine jewelry store chain corporations and the internet’s fast-paced copy and paste game of telephone. So many truths blurred and knowledge taken from people, all for profit. I honestly feel like our True Birthstones and the knowledge of them have been drowned in the sea of the forgotten. There was a time when your birthstone had to do with your astrological sign and it corresponded to metaphysical properties that you would need in your lifetime pertaining to your chart. I know many people do not want to hear this but the birthstone you grew up knowing is most likely not the one assigned to you through your birthright. Some signs have two or three stones and even more stones after those follow on our Birthplate. One stone is actually assigned according to the location of birth! There is a row pertaining to siblings born before you if any, a stone according to which part of the month you are born, and so many more details beyond that.
If you look deep into the recent history of birthstone assignment, you will find some seriously startling information about the newest lineup of birthstones. They were made up off of sales statistics and marketing strategy. Just a tool to make the old world ways profitable, as always, but profitable after changed to fit what the stores can offer. When stones were not widely available, another color or manmade version was offered. Usually, by manufacturing laboratories, the chain corporations had some sort of interest in. At one point dyes and enhancements were offered to get the desired birthstone. Eventually, the stones were just all together changed. June was given a pearl because of a huge pearl boom coming from new cultured pearls. When a “new stone” was available it was assigned a month. Then when it was mined out or mined thin, a new stone was assigned. These wise marketing magicians even used knowledge of higher birth rates to predict which stone they would assign to what month. This marked the truest beginnings of fast fashion and marketing strategies.
Many specific mines are being picked clean as we speak, I am betting the most current line up will be changed again in about 20 years max. I do not like that powerful jewelry chain corporations have changed what they wanted to manipulate the market. To many in this field, it isn’t held sacred because many do not believe in any correspondence regarding stones and a person’s birth. I believe a person can believe what they wish, but I also believe the old ways should not be rearranged and reassigned for sales purposes. If the stone is rare or just harder to find in that region, so be it. A person can decide if they want it or not.
When it comes to your birthstones, yes stones plural, remember that your birth month and sign are two different things. You have a stone for your month and sign. A stone for the Decan your actual birthdate falls under, and then many more stones that make up your “Birthplate” but your True Birthstones are the stones corresponding with your month and Zodiac.
These rings were made with all of these things into consideration. Using the Zodiac as default and making sure the actual month surrounding the zodiac is included.
The following applies:
Gemini- Agate, Moonstone, and Yellow Cat’s Eye.
Cancer- Onyx, Moonstone, and Emerald.
Leo- Sardonyx, Onyx, and Carnelian.
Virgo- Chrysolite, Brown Zircon, Carnelian, and Aquamarine.
Libra- Opal, Aquamarine, Carnelian, and Pearl.
Scorpio- Golden Topaz, Pearl, and Blue Topaz.
Sagittarius-Bloodstone, Turquoise, and Lapis Lazuli.
Capricorn- Two Garnets and a Ruby.
Aquarius- Amethyst, Hyacinth, and Pearl.
Pisces- Jade, Jasper, Bloodstone, and Aquamarine.
Aries- Bloodstone, Quartz, Turquoise, and Amethyst.
Taurus- Agate, Emerald, Jade, and Malachite.
Stay tuned for more on Patreon and an upcoming book. If you wish to hop on the mailing list concerning the book, please sign up on the bottom left side of the Home Page on the website. I am overwhelmed by all of you that have signed up for notifications. I literally could not believe it when I saw how many were waiting. I am filled with gratitude. I appreciate all of the kindness and support!
‘When the night burns bright to an unbroken ring around the moon, hold on to Tiger’s eye to keep you safe until noon.’
I love old sayings about stones. My Grandmother told me several when I was young, this one included, but I love to research all of them. The ones I know about and the ones I do not. The first thing I do in researching the Old Ways is to learn where the saying came from. What region on this planet was it first recorded? This particular saying was found often by the Scottish settlers of the Americas in the early 1700s. Often found in the Border Ballad tradition, seemly the most effective way for a tradition to stay alive as many were pressured to assimilate into the American ideology. Another popular saying about Tiger’s Eye, equally spread by the songs of Appalachia in the same timeframe, also came from seeing a ring around the moon. ‘When there’s a ring around the moon, rain or snow is coming soon.’ Now it is commonly called a “halo effect” but the symbolic language still lives and breathes. The halo often tells of prediction and depending on the placement of the stars… danger. When the ring is seen, it was known to grab a Tiger’s Eye and carry it the three days of the full moon. Tiger’s Eye is about “seeing.”
Upon further research, it is found that these same uses for Tiger’s Eye were found in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Many believe the Romans may have brought these beliefs to Britannia a millennia before. Seeing that the gemstone of antiquity to Britannia was the Smoky Quartz and could be traced back to a thousand years before the Great Pyramid of Giza was built, it makes it unlikely. Still possible but unlikely.
It does seem like the “7 Stones” were shared by the world’s heritage in some strange universal way. Oddly, every culture and every civilization used the 7 Stones in the same way. Tiger’s Eye being one of them, it would not be surprising if this stone’s lore wasn’t brought from place to place, but known universally by the people of the world. Predominantly found in Africa but also found in Australia, Brazil, Bruma, Canada, China, India, Korea, all about the Middle East, Spain, and the United States, but even found amongst cultures in places it was not naturally occurring. For example, Tiger’s Eye was highly associated with the early Freyja cults of the North. Of the first discoveries, researchers associated this with Middle Eastern trade that was known to take place between the cultures; being that Tiger’s Eye was highly-priced in Middle Eastern and Egyptian cultures, they could have shared the wisdom and the stone. It was said that traders may have brought this stone and its lore back with them. There are a few anthropology essays looking into this possibility. Upon further study, it has been noted that Tiger’s Eye has been found in graves of antiquity far before any kind of trade was known. The 7 stones defy all rules and timelines known to man.
Tiger’s Eye has always been associated with protection in each culture, but this is sometimes misunderstood. Many believe Tiger’s Eye to be a stone of protection in the sense that is guards or shields you from negativity or low vibrational energy. This is not how it protects. Tiger’s Eye protects you by showing you what is. This can be the future of what is to come, the truth behind friendships, the clarity that is hidden under a foggy situation, or even an overview of the picture. Similar to seeing above like a bird or viewing a map. Tiger’s Eye gives you the Eye to make a plan. If more protection is needed besides “knowing” then Tiger’s Eye must be combined with another stone for protection. Usually a Level 3 stone or higher. For a protection bundle; it is best to use stones for each all-around protection. Example: Protection for the aura, protection from the physical, protection from the mental, etc.
I will continue with six more posts about Tiger’s Eye on Patreon. I will cover clearing, charging, cross crystal combinations, and directional wear of the stone. Tiger’s Eye is a great ally and Level 1 helper crystal. An All-Seeing Eye.
This is an introduction to Animal Symbolism. I will extend further into twenty-seven posts about this topic on Patreon. I can be found on Patreon at www.Patreon.com/Evil_Pawn_Jewelry
One of the top questions I am asked is, “How do I find my spirit animal?” I always cringe a little inside when I hear the phrasing. I always ask people if they wouldn’t mind saying power animal, or even better, “How do I learn to read the messages of the animal world?” Or “How do I understand the self?”
There are so many reasons I ask people to use the correct terminology. The first reason is, being that there are many Indigenous American cultures that have sacred traditions regarding a “spirit animal” that is meant for their family and their tribe’s protection and spirituality. These sacred traditions go back to the beginning of their people’s bloodlines. Seeing that these traditions have been coined “Spirit Animal” during colonization and their cultures have been appropriated into a watered-down imitation of their sacred teachings at just an internet search. Isn’t it understandable to use an appropriate term that separates what you would like to learn about animals and the self from their personal inherited spirituality? The symbolism of the animal world has been oddly lumped together with specific pieces of Indigenous American culture. It has formed into this strange internet phenomenon. When Googling the meaning of your “Spirit Animal” please know that this is some weird, new world, pop culture trend. The majority of these websites use a “cold reading” template for making the pieces fit, then they package it in an Indigenous American wrapping paper and a bright red bow, complete with a feather and a bear paw print. This is highly offensive. Can you see why it can be quite upsetting to Natives when seeing something like that? If we wish to obtain great knowledge, we must first obtain empathy and understanding for all the people of the world.
Precious pieces that belonged to my MeMaw.
There are different contrast across tribes and different terms that cannot be lumped together into one prepackaged outfit. Not every tribe is the same and that should be remembered. Not all of them have the same specific traditions that others do. In just one instance, the “Spirit Animal” is referred to as a “totem” that an entire clan shares. The totem is their overall guide for the life of every person in the clan. When a person in the clan dies, their spirit is absorbed into the animal. This is just one variation. Just one. So you can see why it is upsetting for a person of Indigenous heritage to see someone wearing a shirt that says, “Coffee is my Spirit Animal” among other examples. A “Spirit Animal” is not something you want or already consciously possess. It is not even something that is “like you” in these areas. Internet trends have you fooled. It is so important to not only be respectful of people’s family and heritage but to make sure you fully understand what you are getting into with Animal Medicine and Symbolism. Please look at the truth behind some of these prepackaged deliveries that come across our screens with just a google search.
Now you may be asking, “Can I still use this practice?” In my personal opinion, if it is about someone else’s family and personal heritage or a variation that was invented by some weird Guru, I say no. If it is about a world heritage of animal symbolism? Then I say yes. Making sure to learn the truth of animal symbolism and not appropriate a heritage. There are even a few practices in other cultures that are similar BUT they are not interchangeable. They are also NOT called “Spirit Animal” under any circumstance. This term is for the Indigenous people of the Americas. The terminology used should always be out of respect. We must respect all human beings and care about them when they are being hurt, used, or misunderstood. A great step further would be to learn more about your heritage’s relationship with animal guides and the self. Every culture in the world has some practice involving symbolic language and the ‘self’ but they are ALL different. I am going to cover every single one still on record and known in this age. Yep, you read that right, I am going to cover every single one because I want you to know about your people and the heritage that may have been taken from you. When people have been wiped of their own cultures, it may cause them to take from others, or to latch on to trends. A lot of times unknowing until a shift reveals this problematic and very real phenomenon. I am hoping this will help pull people away from the imitation “Spirit Animal” culture that now exists on the internet. It is not Indigenous Spirituality. It is stolen pieces from scared Indigenous traditions. I also want you to remember, the trends on the internet with spirit animals, are coming at the expense of Indigenous Americans. It must stop.
If you wish to actually become a student in Indigenous American spirituality, it is important to find an Indigenous elder that is willing to teach you. Asking their blessing and permission is a huge start and compensating them for their teachings is a must in such a setting. They may not want to teach you everything. Be ok with that. Also, understand that if a tribal elder says no, they wish not to teach or tell their family medicine to you, respect this. Pay them for their time and be ok with what they felt. I must stress again, it is important to compensate elder spiritual leaders for their time, many reservations are impoverished. There are many that do not even have running water. A great injustice in itself. Be respectful of these elders, they are of such a great people. The land you walk on is made from their ancestors.
Furthermore, I study all Animal Symbolic systems but actually only follow my family’s way. I believe it is important to be educated about others. Learning the basics is ok, practicing is completely different. (Note I said basics. Their personal family heritage is only for their family and a chosen few.) When you know about other people’s cultures, in a fundamental way, you can know when someone else is being abused or taken advantage of. You can be an ally to help Indigenous communities when someone is teaching the paths that appropriate and hurt them.
In this series, I have written about all of the different types of Animal Symbolism in the world, to help people understand a few things: I want people to understand that what they are subscribing to with online trends is not what Indigenous Spirituality is. I want them to see how it cherry-picks, mislabels, appropriates, and abuses a whole group of people and their traditions. Through this understanding, people can learn the lost ways of their own true cultures that were colonized and erased. Helping people find themselves and understand that they may think the colonization of some has nothing to do with them but it actually has to do with everyone. I want to point out the rich textures of this earth’s antiquity and the stolen history of the world’s people. If we start to understand the differences between each region’s Animal Symbolism, we can make sure that misinformation isn’t running Google, and even if it is… we can make sure not to partake in it. Education is the answer. Compassion and empathy for others is the key.
In the first blog in this series will cover as many overall geographical heritage masses as possible. Then list names for sections of these areas. I am going to talk about what happened when Europe was Christianized. Many of the European Tribes lost their tribal heritage and their own spirituality when the Romans colonized the land. This will not be a bash fest on Christians or the descendants of Rome. This is a reclaiming of the pre-Christianized beliefs pertaining to animal symbolism on all continents. In the blogs to follow I have also written inserts about each area of the world that has been colonized. This will not be only about Europe, this is where we are beginning because this is where it started. Again, there will not be any bashing of any human alive today. I believe in leading with kindness and understanding. There are subjects we did not learn in school and it is time they saw more light. I will also include a large section that my Grandmother taught me about and family knowledge about our own personal heritage.
The study will cover each of the Tutelary Deities that spread all over Europe and then how their “removal” spread outward from there. Then I will give smaller region examples and site examples left in historical documents about specific tribes of Europe. Most will be corroborated documents, some by Piny and Tacitus because they did seem to be very unbiased in their documenting.
A few outlined examples: The Celts actually called their animal relationships ‘Aisling.’ They dreamed while they were awake and asleep to communicate with animals. They also read their omens together in their family’s sacred circle. Dreams were respected and followed as a life source to the whole community.
In addition to the Tutelary Deities, I will cover the totem animals of the Elder Goddesses and Gods. In Northern European Norse traditions they were called Fylgjur. All pantheons of the old world (in every culture) have their own animal helpers that aid, send messages, and bring back messages.
In Old Norse culture, The Fylgja itself is the animal spirit of the person and it is the spiritual self. These animal spirits sometimes died with the person it was tied to and other times stayed with the family. There are also terms that pertained to the entire tribe’s Fylgja and the family’s Fylgja. In turn, this is how many families adopted animals as their family sigil or crest after colonization. A way to keep their sacred traditions, even long after their descendants forgot.
My Grandmother specifically taught me about Fetch Dreaming. This is about spirits that are just in animal shape, bringing messages. She also taught me about Ornithomancy, which will be covered extensively. My Grandmother’s people called their ways, ‘Animal Speak’ and looking closely at the overall practice of animal speak, it is tied to a Tri-racial group from the Appalachia that migrated into the Ozarks. This happened when cultures collided and then blended about 300 years ago. I will discuss this thoroughly as well. This is one side of my family and it is important to discuss because its traditions are dying out. I have been endlessly documenting these traditions over the last 16 years. There will be specific areas outside of European cultures I will discuss in-depth, but only the areas I have personal family ties to. I will depend on others from cultures I am not akin to, in the exploration of regions that do not pertain to my heritage. These collaborations have come out of respect and solidarity.
These are countless examples that I will cover in this series. After the series, you will still have so much to learn, but hopefully, you will be set in the right direction. I aim to clear a path for you. I will stress that the use of the term “Spirit Animal” is not to be used by anyone that is not Indigenous. What many of these websites are selling you is not even remotely Indigenous spirituality, but they have stolen pieces of a scared heritage that is not their own. As I have said for years, it is very important to listen to elders and read books. The worldwide web isn’t so reliable for information. Reading truly is fundamental. That being said, I will have a large book list available with this series. Any area that I do not have personal family knowledge of, will not be covered extensively. Instead, I will provide a short foundation that is fundamental and aided by people of the said culture, and then recommend a book written by a person that is from that respected culture. I believe that understanding a person or a group of people will give way to empathy. It is important to understand why what is happening to these cultures sparks upset, anger, and mistrust. As a person with a multicultural heritage, I hope I could try to be one of many to unite all of the pieces of me and all of the people I belong to. Hopefully, I could try to be a bridge that can help unite these broken roads. All of us can learn so much by listening, respecting, and understanding. Solidarity is the world’s only hope.
Thank you for reading this post. Many Bright Blessings.
Many times you will find the internet to be one of two things; your best friend or your worst enemy. There is never an in-between. The same goes for the never-ending yarn ball of information about crystal properties. I have never been so puzzled in my life. Many websites are “copy and paste” models from ten other websites that are the living embodiment of misinformation about crystal properties. There are amazing crystal writers that I love but if you google them, you will find that websites will slap the names of these trusted sources under paragraphs they did not write. I suggest always going to the trusted author’s website or using their books as guides.
I wanted to blog about Quartzite because this is one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented crystals. The full blog about Quartzite and many extended blogs can be found on my Patreon. www.Patreon.com/Evil_Pawn_Jewelry
Many of my write-ups take a lot of time, so last year I started a Patreon for familiar and unfamiliar areas of old-world knowledge, crystal metaphysical properties, the directional wearing of jewelry, stone eating, Moonwater, Earth Medicine, Plant Medicine, Ancestor Medicine, Coin Divination, sneak peeks, and inserts of my upcoming books. (Yes books plural. I have written several on each of these subjects over the years) Please visit Patreon for Info posts, promo codes, giveaways, and more.
Thank you so much for reading my blogs! Stay tuned for more blogs and extended versions on Patreon. I appreciate all of your support!
This is blog two of ten about the interesting subject of Rose Quartz. Available here on the website blog and Patreon publicly. The other nine will be on Patreon. For anyone wanting to check out EPJ’s Patreon, please see Patreon.com/EvilPawnJewelry
Like many deep dive posts from 2014, I want to take on a deeper dive into not only the metaphysical properties of Rose Quartz, but I want to add what Birthstones combine with Rose Quartz for maximum effect. Some stones are like polar opposites and other are like magnets attracting. This is dependent on which Level a crystal is. I have posted about this on Patreon, and this weekend I will have a large post about bundles and combinations. For now I want to go into the truths about Rose Quartz Properties and lay down a foundation for a deeper understanding of this stone.
Think of all that we think we know about Rose Quartz. It is pink, it stands for love, it is in the level one quartz family, etc. The interest in Rose Quartz is all that hides under those layers of pink. The layers are much like the Rose flower, even in full bloom there is a center hidden from all of us. A place the sun never sees.
First, let us speak about what is known and true about the stone. Once we have this foundation laid down, we will speak of what is rarely in the light, but in plain sight. The layers of rose quartz, delicate, but strongly symbolic.
One part that is known; rose quartz is a stone of the heart and unconditional love. All love, all hearts, all categories of all love.
One part that is of old; A token of relationships. Attracting new love, strengthening an existing bond, and driving away all those who truly do not love you. Especially those that wear masks of another face for their own benefit.
One part that is unrealized; Some can use this stone, as a protection talisman, to keep people who do not love you far away from you. A protection device. Energy and color therapy of rose quartz can repel and help break some long time associations from walking alongside you on your path. Freeing you from emotional and psychological vampires that constantly feed off of you. A dissolvent that can free you, even when you are unable to free yourself.
One part that is practiced; A stone with energy relating to the heart chakra, giving you the best tools to clear all of the dark sides pertaining to the perceptions of love that isn’t really love. Clear out the hurt, resentment, and false love that has disguised itself before you wearing a mask. These things have nothing to do with love and shouldn’t be associated with it. Trust and love freely. Those who take it to a dark place do not live in love but try to make you think this is a part of love or the ‘dark side’ of love that does not truly exist. This is for their own benefit, not yours. If they have you believing this is so, then you will not practice love for the fear of hurt. Hurt does not come with true love. (Not speaking of the ‘passing of a loved one’. This is a different kind of healing. What I am speaking of pertains to standing relationships that bleed because of ego) Let go of all dark perceptions of love. There is only a dark side of the moon. The heart is a place of bright water always and the sun never sets there in that one place.
Hop onto Patreon to check out all ten posts about Rose Quartz! From cleansing and concentrating the stone, charging, combination/helper stones, Birthplate placement for Geminis and Scorpios, Metaphysical Properties, shape meanings, Symbolic language of direction, and more. All posting this month and next! Happy Week’s End!
As a child, we always referred to them as worry rocks. Since I have become an adult, I have heard them referred to as thumb stones, palm stones, takers stones, and worry stones in kind. These companions fare in an overall way. The way is absorbent; a true taker. This is important to realize because there are times that worry rocks should be put away like a faring quartz but there are times when it should be held like a companion. The ancient use of worry rocks is vast but all associate with water. Rocks shaped by water, left smooth from the sea, metaphysically erode the jagged edges in the mind.
Traditionally, Worry Rocks were made of Soapstone, which is an absorbent of all excess energy that sits at the top. Before this, in antiquity, any soft stone from the ocean would do. Marble has also been discovered as a popular worry servant of old. Over time, I have seen so many different types of worry rocks made available, but each has specific absorbent characteristics.
Worry Rocks are great concentration tools for the mind, spirit, and body. More on this subject posted on Patreon. Happy Week’s End!
When I was a kid I had this recurring dream that I was in my Grandparent’s kitchen, and there were these yellow swirled breads on a dish. I saw my little hand grab one. Although I was a child, I knew in my dream I was even younger, these layers are never to be underestimated. I remember not liking the raisins on the bread and I spit them out. I held these two nasty little half-chewed raisins in my little hand. Looking at them. I looked up and saw a double-cross on the wall. That was it, or that was all I could remember. My Grandma had a necklace like that cross, so I chalked it up to that being about her jewelry.
When I was about 13, I found this incense company I loved. Mostly because the logo to this specific scent in the line was a stag depiction of Cernunnos. The design was more animal than godhead. I liked how his horns curled into a puffy swirl. I liked how there were swirls around the entire design. It hit me that it reminded me of that yellow bread with the raisins from my dream.
If you look through all of my sketchpads from my youth, you’ll see nothing but these swirls and swirl patterns of this dream bread. Swirly flowers, swirly trees, all the way to swirly people. I even have a painting of swirly people standing in the sea, steps away from a shoreline, with rosins raining down on them. Swirling shrimp swimming in swirls around their ankles.
Fast forward to a few years ago. I drew up this necklace, and there it sat ‘morgued’ as I call it, in my design cabinet. I didn’t think it was going anywhere. I cannot tell you how many shelves I have of morgues designs that exist for me and me alone. It lay in its bin, waiting to be brought to life or buried forever in the whirlwind of my own mind.
About last year my friend Mia started sending me recipes for some traditional Scandinavian breads that I was wanting because I wanted to change the ingredients a bit and make them at home. One of the recipes was for Lussekatter (Swedish Saffron Bread aka buns) One of them looked like that shape from my dream and the shape from the incense package. At this point, I realized that it may not have been a dream, may have been real. Who knows? Not too far fetched, me at age 4, hopping up on a counter to snatch some bread. Sound like me!
I went out to learn more about the shapes of the bread because it was driving me batty. Mia sent a cool video by an artist on IG named Saga-Mariah Sandberg. She had a video in her storyline about the shapes of the bread. An amazing storyline indeed! Some say they are supposed to be curled up cats. Some say they protect the body from evil. Ah, that symbolic language has me. As I read more and more about the shapes and their meaning I was just floored. These swirls could stretch out far back into time, loop up the past then curl back up, bringing now and then to a meet. Seeing what it was that I was not remembering and reviving it into consciousness. The Lussekatter is only for a specific holiday each year, but with my Lusse Necklace, I can find those protective swirls when I need them. How those swirls got me. Twisted up all these years over some bread. Really, it was more than bread. It was my family telling me things that memory had failed to hold tight. Those swirls stretched out and curled back up bring them back to me.
Many times I have written about the Language and Direction of Adornments. This concerns which way a Cameo should face for specific intentions, on which finger to wear a Rose Quartz, which pocket to carry aventurine in for abundance, etc. What stones, on which side, for what reason.
I am going to explore this topic further this month but I am also going to go deeper into the world of Crystal Shapes; natural and carved. Sacred Geometry, Crystal Structure, Chemical Compounds of Quartz, and Crystallography.
Let us look at an example of Rose Quartz. We know that Rose Quartz is best worn on the chest but can serve us in different ways by wearing the stone on the right or left.
Most people believe that Rose Quartz draws love, this is true as long as the stone is used properly. A Rose Quartz serves our heart’s best interest. Many do not realize that the stone also repels false love. An amulet that wards off what is fake masked in truth.
Rose Quartz is a crystal designed to help you seek out what it is you desire and transform your reality with this energy when it is obtained. These energies can be manipulated by the actual shape of the crystal; natural or carved, and how you wear the crystal. (As discussed above)
Let’s say you obtained a Rose Quartz in the shape of a Star Tetrahedron/Merkaba. This shape is for meditation but can also be very effective in stone-throwing. Either way, exercising this energy would cause an unwanted love to go away. Maybe if you were trying to get over a person you were in a relationship with or if you are having issues with starting anew. Rose Quartz in Merkaba wards off old unwanted love, even if it is wanted somewhere but you know it is best to end it. The Merkaba knows it is best too. Let’s say you were trying to seal a current love relationship to you; heart-shaped rose quartz would be in order. This is no guarantee, but you are putting it out into the universe that this is the one. A Rose Quartz Pyramid is in order for self-love or helping yourself be strong and say no when people try to use your energy, physical, or material being in a negative way. A Rose Quartz Snub Cube (or Icosahedron) has to do with trust and the lack thereof one or both people have in a current relationship. This shape can also help bring about trust when it is hard for you to trust. Healing the broken trust of the past. A Rose Quartz Crystal Skull can let you know the actual speak of the significant other; maybe their heart is not all in or maybe they aren’t true. The Skull knows and will guide you.
Shapes combined with language and direction can exercise the energy of the crystal. Join me on Patreon for an in-depth post about how to know what crystal speaks to which direction and easy ways to understand, memorize, and exercise such energies.
This blog is sung for the metaphysical properties of red garnets. There are many different verses for different garnet colors and added verses for the shades of red. This is the chorus that repeats for all types of red.
Garnets are much more than so much of what I see that is written about them. Garnet has to do with emotion and words that are emotionally charged. A tie that binds blood oaths and undying love. So many walls are held together by the same energy as garnet. So many blankets are woven from garnet’s warm fabric. A stone of honor; the honor of your word and the honor of your bloodline.
Garnet’s energy succors with anger and dissolving resentment. No need to hang on to anything. The rain today washed us clean. The garnets sang to us in our boats as we survey the flooded lands of our former hatred. Garnets for days. Hatred burned.
Garnet is a talisman for protection against dreams of horror and night terrors. Memories of this side that our eyes have seen, or visions from the other side. Never before looked upon but playing in our minds just the same, are all burned by the fire of garnet.
Garnet is well combined with Onyx and Amber. Like Onyx and Amber, garnet has memory, but of a different kind. The first stone used in animal speak healing. A romantic notion without complication. A dark stone that radiates closeness, tied kinship, amity. Among the most ancient of gems,
Garnet uses destructive energy to make way to your creative energy. Burning the field that becomes a great medicine forest. The great destroyer to make way as the great creator. If you fear change, tread lightly on Garnet’s path.
An important stone, a one of the great seven, garnet gives you the ability to maintain sanity on this creative plane.
Intense feelings rise but become useful and leaves the most awaited gifts at your front door. Garnet will bring you the awareness of fire and with meditation and concentration can help with DNA activation.
Specific cuts of garnet have varied gifts. Square, Rounds, Ovals, etc. all give specific energy. Join me on Patreon for an extended look into Garnet. I will talk more about dreaming Garnet, stone bundling, concentrating, cleanings, charging, the memory of garnet, and shapes/language direction.