We receive messages about Skull Babies daily. They have been off the website since last October, and the main reason was that I was so severely behind. The waitlist was way too long. I am currently just starting to finish up the orders from last October. (Yes, there were that many, and I was that behind)

Once the website orders are complete, I have a few custom Skull Babies that are in preparation and one that is my besties baby (yes, I am even behind on my besties skull baby)

I love making them and wondered if I should just make them and then place them on the website. Many of you commented on those posts when I asked for your opinions about how to proceed with them, and I appreciate the feedback.
The main issue is when they get behind, or even if I am in a good place with them… (most people are very patient, some never email in, and some check in once. or twice, no biggie), but there are usually some that are not patient at all. I have had customers email once a week and sometimes more asking when their Skullbaby will be ready. Sometimes bullying a completion date from us. It makes it very stressful. Especially if it isn’t ready by the estimated completion date. A lot of calculation goes into them, and I don’t want to shortcut any of the steps because that is not how I designed them to be created.
I know some people do not care, but I make them with planetary guidance and the movements of the moon. There are certain cycles I refuse to work on them under. I use numerology based on the customer’s name, and every drop of water used in the making of the piece is a moonwater collection. There are so many people that think this is pointless and that do not follow these things; that is ok but realize that some people do. This is how I make them. I refuse to just make them. They are layered and time collected.

So I decided to have a ready version available every other month or so. For customers that want one but do not like the wait. Then I plan on having them on the website again as before to order as a “made when ordered” item. Also, the new Skullbabies will be relaunched in just a few months (after I am completely finished with everyone who has been waiting) The new Skullybabies, or Skullbaby T-5000 as we have been calling them around here, will have a new design and will be available in a necklace and ring selection. I have not decided if I will let custom add-ons be a part of this new release or not. I will keep you posted.
Thank you so much for all of your kind emails and kind comments about this subject.